Gengo Akiba Roshi

Soto Zen Roshi, Akiba Roshi established Kojin-An Temple in 1993.He was appointed bishop and General Director of the Soto Zen Administrative office for North America and facilitated “800 year memorial symposium of Dogen Zenshi”
Since 2014,he started the project “Tenpyosan (Tenpyo Zen Temple)”, to build an authentic Zen Temple compound in Northern Caifornia to provide Zen monastic training and discipline. He’s been vigorously working for his dream come true, and calls himself “Flying Monk”. His wife, Yoshie, the owner of the biggest Jazz club in the US used to study Buddhism at UC Barclay and became the best supporter of her husband, Gengo. This couple has been devoting their lives for helping people to live with peace of mind.