Daisuke Yanasawa
Daisuke Yanasawa
Fun Corporation Kayac CEO

Born in Hong Kong in 1974, started working at Sony Music Entertainment after graduating from Keio University Faculty of Faculty of Environmental Information in 1995.
He set up Fun Corporation Kayac with University classmates in 1998. Kayac IPOed at TSE Mothers in December 2014 (the only public company in Kamakura). Head office in Kamakura, Kayac has produced proprietary game apps such as “Our Koshien(baseball)” series, Game Community app “Lobi” and many other unique contents such as various campaign apps, web sites, devices for their many clients. Adventure Corporation Placole joined into Kayac Group in 2015, as well as Gulti. Co.,Ltd.(now Kayac Akiba Studio)in 2016. Kayac also started up Kayac Hanoi and Kamakura Jitaku Sougisha (Kamakura Home Funeral) in 2016, and Kamakura R Real Estate, and Kayac Living in 2017. Wellplayed, a company doing planning, development and administration of eSports also joined in 2017.
Daisuke is the creative director of over 100 web services, and have been on the panel of judges for various web-related ad awards such as Canne Lions International Creativity Festival (2012), Tokyo Interactive Ad Award (2010), Yahoo!JAPAN Internet Creative Award (2009 to 2015).
He is author of “Fun Corporation Kayac Company Guide”, “Don’t think about Ideas”(Nikkei BP), “Kamakura Capitalism – Manifesto for Sustainable Capitalism”(President Inc)
He is challenging new style of management in the name of “Fun Corporation”, adopting unique Personnel Systems (roll-the-dice salary, smile salary, everyone-is-hr project), Work Style (Travelling branch, where members travel to a different location together to work), etc.
He has also served as external Director of TOW Co.Ltd since 2015, and Cookpad Inc. since 2016.