Junya Ogino

CEO of Mindful Leadership Institute. Director of Lifestyle Produce. Guest instructor at Keio University Graduate School of System Design and Management.Certified instructor of “Search Inside Yourself” (SIY).
Following graduation from Keio University, over the course of pursuing a workaholic lifestyle at foreign consulting firms and startup businesses in Japan, Junya Ogino experienced burnout, team restructuring, and suicide attempts amongst junior team members.
From his initial exposure to yoga and meditation, he derived a great deal of inspiration from these experiences, as a result of which he became keenly aware of the importance of self-conditioning for leaders and others in the workforce. In 2006, while working in yoga studio management, he began to develop and promote an overall conditioning method which incorporates yoga, meditation, and breath work along with corporate personnel development techniques. In 2008, he launched Lifestyle Produce, which offers consulting and executive coaching with the aim to improve mission management and create conscious companies. In 2013, he established the Mindful Leadership Institute to foster organizational development and leadership development based on mindfulness, neuroscience, and emotional intelligence.
In addition, he has completed a number of instructor training programs, including “Search Inside Yourself” (SIY), the mindfulness-based leadership program developed by Google, and “Compassion Cultivation Training” (CCT), the neuroscience-based compassion training program developed at Stanford University.
He has a broad network spanning the yoga and organic food industries, and also pursues research in happiness and wellbeing management at Keio University Graduate School of System Design and Management.
He is planning to host the first Wisdom 2.0 Asia conference in Japan in 2019.
His most recently published book is entitled, “Becoming mindful starting with one’s spare moments: How to rest and refresh without trying so hard, in the process eliminating tension and irritation” (Bunkyosha).