Keerthana Mariappan
Keerthana Mariappan
Yoga, Breathing, Meditation Instructor

The Art of Living (AOLF) Corporate program facilitator, Yoga/Breathing/Meditation Instructor
Deutsche Bank Japanese Equity Electronic Trading Sales Head Director
Born in India, have lived in Tokyo from 1998, for more than 20years. Is an instructor at Art of Living as well as working in Finance.
She joined her first Art of Living Workshop in 2002 invited by her friend in University. Since then, she has felt a drastic change in various areas of her life, such as the increase in energy level, clarity of the mind, confidence, better personal relationship, and yoga/breathing/meditation has become an essential part of life. She has taught and been a coordinator for the Happiness program, Sahaj Samadhi Meditation, Sri Sri Yoga, YES, and corporate workshop “TLEX”.
【Message】 My life became more simple and filled with happiness after I met Art of Living and Sri Sri Ravi Shankar. The experience of Art of Living will be a trigger to discover the potential within yourself. Let’s experience this wonderful experience together that every human deserves.