Dr. M. Paloma Pavel

Educator, ecopsychologist, and international consultant.Ph.D. California School of Professional Psychology, Berkeley M.Div. Harvard University, Cambridge, MA (cum laude) Applied Psychology and Ethics
Dr. Pavel, while teaching organization development –based on “Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)”–at the California Institute of Integrated Studies and UC Davis, actively engaged herself in social transformational changes with Joanna Macy in “Deep Ecology” (integrating system theory with engaged Buddhism) and with Brian Swimme of “Universe Story”.To further engage in building resilient communities, Dr. Paloma Pavel launched her NPO Earth House Center in Oakland in 1990.
Otto Sharmer of Theory U, Desmond Tutu, Bob Stilger, to name a few–her work has brought her in close contact with frontline global leaders of social change.
Archbishop Desmond Tutu celebrates the preface of the 20th anniversary print of her co-authored book, Random Kindness & Senseless Acts of Beauty(Illustrated by Oda Mayumi, translated into Japanese by Shuntaro Tanikawa).
This is her fifth visit to Japan, the first two being with Joanna Macy, then with Tich Nhat Hanh, then to participate in Aichi World Expo Global Village, and this turn as Fulbright Scholar to the Tokyo Institute of Technology–invited by one of her students, Professor Tamio Nakano.
Dr. Pavel loves Japan and its people, and has many students and fans awaiting her return.