Madoka Maeno
Madoka Maeno

Inc., CEO, Researcher at the SDM Institute, Graduate School of System Design and Management at Keio University. Member of IPPA (International Positive Psychology Association).
After working at University of San Francisco, Andersen Consulting (now Accenture),she has started EVOL, also holds workshops to spread happiness, does consulting, training and framework research and business expansion, and writing.
“Nicoichi(2 in 1) Happiness- The mastery of the latest partnership study from a Researcher couple” CCC Media House 2019
“Happiness Switch to make your Mondays Happy” (Voice, 2017)
・”The Increased Happiness Effect of the ‘Happy Workshop’, Assisting Dialogue and Communication Study, No.3, March 2017, pages 3-16, Madoka MAeno, Takashi MAeno, Mari Sakuramoto (in Japanese)
・“Analysis of Activating People and Regions based on the 4 Factor Model of Subjective Happiness- case study on Michikusa Kodo Program of NPO Yoshibino Kobo Chimichi”, Regional Activation Research, Vol.5, March 2014, pages 41-50 (in Japanese)
・Madoka Maeno , Takashi Maeno , Kouji Miki and Shigeru Utsunomiya , ZEN SCHOOL -Leaning How to Innovate by Self-Reflection Achieved through Mindfulness , Fifth World Congress on Positive Psychology , July 2017 , Montreal , Canada
・Madoka Maeno , Takashi Maeno , Design of Workshop to Make People Happier based on Four Factors of Happiness , Fourth World Congress on Positive Psychology , June 2015 , Florida , USA