Noboru Yasuda

Noh performer

Noboru Yasuda

Born in 1956, Noboru Yasuda is a Noh performer of the Shimogakari Hosho school.Noboru Yasuda writes, choreographs and performs in plays that utilizes Noh methods.He has also long been dedicated tore-discovering body mechanism depicted in Japanese and Chinese classical writings.He leads a project called “Inanna’s Descent to theUnderworld” where ancient Sumerian mythological stories are expressed from the standpoint of Noh physicality.Its theatrical presentations in both Sumerian and Japanese languages became highly talked about, which resulted in a European tour in 2018 with asupport from the Tokyo Art Council.

Main Books written by Noboru Yasuda:-“The Power of Awai — Living in the Era after the Age of Mind”-“Analects in the Age of Awai: Human2.0”-“Altenative Lesson on Japanese Classical Literature—Tradition, Culture and Intelligence from the Viewpoint of Body Mechanism” (coauthored with Tatsuru Uchida)-“Japanese Breathing Technique — Shogun Nobunaga’s Secret of Transforming Stress into Power”-“Japanese Body Movement Technique — Inner Muscle Exercises “

*Reference:「紀元前に起きたシンギュラリティからの「温故知新」:能楽師・安田登が世界最古のシュメール神話を上演するわけ」(Discover Future Through thePre-era Singularity: The Driving Force behind Noh Performer Noboru Yasuda’s Presentations of the World’s Oldest Sumerian Myths)