Satoshi Ikeno
Satoshi Ikeno, Ph.D.
Professor, School of Human Welfare Studies, Kwansei Gakuin Univ.

Satoshi Ikeno is a professor in the School of Human Welfare Studies, Kwansei Gakuin University in Nishinomiya, Japan. His areas of research and practice include clinical social work, trauma-informed approach, and mindfulness. He received a Ph.D. from UCLA Social Welfare Department and a MSW from George Warren Brown School of Social Work, Washington University in St. Louis. He recently took a position of Visiting Research Scholar in UCLA Asian American Research Center (2012-2013) and Visiting Project Scientist in Psychiatry in UCLA Mindful Awareness Research Center (MARC) (2018-2019). As a mindfulness facilitator, he holds a certification of “UCLA-Certified Mindfulness Facilitator” through the completion of one-year training program named “Training for Mindfulness Facilitator (TMF)” at the MARC as well as “International Mindfulness Teachers Association (IMTA)-Certified Mindfulness Teacher”. Dr. Ikeno has been interested in the development of “mindfulness-informed social work” and “engaged mindfulness” that can reach-out to those who are currently isolated and segregated in our society.
Selected Books & Publication
·Ikeno, S. (2017). Mindfulness for Social Workers and Care Workers[fukushi shoku to kaigo shoku no tameno mindfulness]. Tokyo: Chuohouki Publication.
·Ikeno, S. (2017). The effects of mindfulness experience on the therapeutic relationship among Japanese social workers: An exploratory study based on the description of social workers’ subjective transformation. Japanese Journal of Human Welfare Studies, 10(1), 91-116.
·Ikeno, S. (Ed.). (2013). Resonance of spirituality: The emotional bonding among the survivors of the massacre at the Columbine High School and the Ikeda Elementary School[Tamashii no kyoumei: Columbine koko to Fuzoku Ikeda shogakko no izoku ga tsumugu inochi no kizuna]. Akashi Shoten.