Stephen Murphy-Shigematsu, PhD
Stanford University, Psychologist

Dr. Stephen Murphy-Shigematsu is a psychologist at Stanford University in the School of Medicine and School of Humanities and Sciences. He is founding director of the Heartfulness Lab, and co-founder of LifeWorks, two programs based in mindfulness, compassion, and transformative learning. His teaching and research balances Eastern and Western ways of knowing, doing, and being in designing gentle, healing, inclusive educational spaces.
Dr. Shigematsu was a Fulbright scholar and fellow of the American Psychological Association. He trained in East Asian medicine and yoga before receiving a doctorate from Harvard University in clinical and community psychology. At The University of Tokyo, he was professor of education and director of the International Center.
His books in English include From Mindfulness to Heartfulness: Transforming Self and Society with Compassion (February 2018). When Half is Whole (Stanford University Press, 2012); Synergy, Healing, and Empowerment (Brush Education, 2012); and Multicultural Encounters (Teachers College Press, 2002).
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