Tak Umezawa
A.T. KearneyJapan Chairman

Tak Umezawa has advised leading corporations in Japan and the US for over 20 years. Areas of his expertise include strategy, innovation, marketing and organization.
He supports the Japanese government on policy agendas including design and innovation, creative industry development, intellectual property strategy, and tourism and night time economy, as member of respective government committees.
He leads the “NEXTOKYO Project,” a future city vision project for TOKYO. The NEXTOKYO team is composed of 12 leading experts in architecture, urban planning, design, art, sports, media, business and law.
Publications include “Scenario Planning” (Toyo Keizai) and “NEXTOKYO” (co-authored, Nikkei BP). He holds a Bachelor’s degree in Law from the University of Tokyo, and an MBA from MIT Sloan School of Management.