Rev. Takafumi Zenryu Kawakami

Deputy head priest at Shunkoin Temple in KyotoResearcher at Keio Media Design
He is the deputy head priest of Shunkoin Temple in Kyoto and annually teach Zen meditation classes in English to 5,000 – 5,500 visitors to the temple.
The participants include various business school groups, including HBS, INSEAD, IESE, Sloan, etc. He co-organizes and co-hosts long-term study abroad programs in Kyoto with various universities from the U.S. He teaches Japanese hospitality classes to employees from the sales and marketing departments from Toyota’s global offices and hold corporate wellness seminars and workshops for several corporations in Japan and the U.S. His travels and talks have brought his to the likes of MIT, Brown University, IDEO, TED x Kyoto, Mind & Life Institute’s ISCS, etc. He is a member of the U.S.- Japan Leadership Program by the U.S. – Japan Foundation.